This blocking functionality is achieved by making use of sleep_on_interruptible with a mutually exclusive lock inside the driver's ioctl function. 这种阻塞功能是通过使用sleeponinterruptible函数实现的,它使用了驱动程序的ioctl函数中的互斥锁(mutuallyexclusivelock)。
Conversely, if an exclusive lock was able to be acquired, concurrent applications would not be able to access the file and could fail with a lock time-out. 相反地,如果能够获得互斥型锁,那么并发应用程序就无法访问文件,并因为锁超时失败。
It returns the most recently committed version of the rows, even if another concurrent session holds an exclusive row-level lock. 即使另一个并发会话持有一个独占式行级锁,它仍然返回最近提交的行。
The UPDATE statement results in an exclusive ( X) lock on each row in the EMPLOYEE table. UPDATE语句会导致EMPLOYEE表中的每行上发生一个独占(X)锁。
The second UPDATE statement in the second session is blocked by the exclusive lock hold by the transaction in the first session, thus it has to wait. 第二个会话中的UPDATE语句被第一个会话中的事务所持有的独占锁阻塞,因此它必须等待。
Exclusive concurrency strategy causes WebLogic Server to place an exclusive lock on cached entity EJB instances when the bean is associated with a transaction. Exclusive并发策略使得当一个bean与一个事务相关联时,WebLogicServer会在缓存的实体EJB实例上放置一个排他锁。
The row is formatted in the target page and an X ( exclusive) row lock is obtained on it. 在目标页中对该行进行格式化,并获得该行上的一个X(exclusive,独占的)行锁。
Once an exclusive lock has been issued, no other read or write operations can take place. 在发出独占锁定后,其他的读或写操作将不会再发生。
To resolve this problem, the Java language allows a thread to acquire an exclusive lock on objects, preventing any other thread accessing it. 为了解决这个问题,Java语言允许一个线程获得对对象的专有锁,从而防止其他任何线程访问它。
Its primary deficiency is that it takes an exclusive lock on the table. 主要的缺陷是它对表实施了独占锁。
If this has a concurrency impact, you may need to increase LOCKLIST and/ or MAXLOCKS to ensure that an exclusive lock escalation does not occur. 如果存在并发问题,那么可能需要增加LOCKLIST和/或MAXLOCKS,以确保不会出现独占锁升级的现象。
Information about the lock that was requested by the waiting application, such as row or table lock, shared or exclusive lock, table name, and so on. 等待应用程序请求的锁信息,如行或表锁、共享或独占锁、表名等等。
The defragmenter does not take an exclusive lock while doing the defrag operation, hence the partition is available for other operations. 在进行碎片整理操作时,碎片整理程序不会执行独占锁,这样分区对于其他操作来说也是可用的。
The enhanced commands do not require an exclusive lock like previous methods. 增强的命令不需要像以前的方法一样使用互斥型锁。
A process or thread must acquire an exclusive lock before performing a write to a database. 在某个进程或线程向数据库执行写入操作之前,必须获得独占锁定。
As mentioned earlier, all previous mechanisms of changing the media preference required an exclusive lock on the entire file. 如前所述,之前所有用于修改媒介首选项的方法都要求对整个文件使用互斥型锁。
Lastly, all the existing statements and CL commands required an exclusive lock on the entire file. 最后,所有现有语句和CL命令在整个文件上需要一个互斥型锁。
When you use the ONLINE keyword, DDL operations execute without applying an exclusive lock to the table on which the specified index is defined. 在使用ONLINE关键字时,DDL操作是在没有将排它锁应用于定义特定索引表的情况下执行的。
The import utility accomplishes this by requesting an exclusive ( X) lock on the table at the beginning of an ALLOW NO ACCESS import operation. import工具实现这一点的方法是在ALLOWNOACCESS导入操作的开始请求目标表上的一个排他(X)锁。
If you're working in a team environment, you'll need to obtain an exclusive lock on the data file (. nextsuitebehavior) since you won't be able to merge the file in your version control system. 如果你正在一个团队中工作,你将需要得到数据文件的排它锁(.nextsuitebehavior),因为你不可能在版本控制系统中合成文件。
In fact, when this feature is enabled, and the INSERT operation requires a new or reused block, DB2 will take an exclusive ( X) lock on the block in order to add it to the target cell. 实际上,当该特性被启用,并且INSERT操作要求一个新的或重用的块时,DB2将在块上采用一个独占的(X)锁,以便将它添加到目标单元。
The hang is caused by an exclusive row lock on table EMPLOYEE. 挂起是由表EMPLOYEE上一个独占式的行锁导致的。
The exclusive access lock on the queue manager data and logs is released, and the standby queue manager takes over. 队列管理器数据和日志上的独占访问权锁释放,备用队列管理器接管。
This means that an exclusive lock is always placed on the indexed table while a functional index is being created or dropped. 这说明,在创建或删除函数索引时,执行索引的表中始终持有一个排他锁。
Offline mode is the default behavior, as an exclusive lock is acquired at the beginning of an import. 离线模式是默认模式,因为在导入开始时会获得一个排他锁。
A transaction always gets an exclusive lock on any data it modifies and holds that lock until the transaction completes, regardless of the isolation level set for that transaction. 事务始终对其修改的任何数据进行独占锁定,并在事务完成前保留该锁定,而不管为该事务设置的隔离级别。
In our examples, this will either be a mutex or shared/ exclusive lock. 在我们的这些例子中,它是指互斥体或者共享/排斥锁。
However, there are many shortcomings such as lock deadlock in the traditional parallel programming model based on mutually exclusive lock, making the development of parallel programming very inefficient. 然而,传统的基于互斥锁的并行编程模式存在死锁等各种缺陷,使得并行程序的开发变得非常低效。
In comparing the current concurrency control mechanism of some of the existing situation, this paper propose solutions to two conflicting ways: First, the use of exclusive rights management lock and a combination of concurrency control methods, and second version of the replication technology. 在比较目前现有的一些并发控制机制的情况上,本文提出解决两种冲突方法:一是利用排它锁和权限管理相结合的并发控制方法,二是版本复制技术。
During the implementation of the database, we use mutex exclusive lock to guarantee the consistency of the system data. 在数据库实现中,采用锁机制保证系统数据的一致性。